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We're all working together! Visit our community partners for more excellent resources.


Check out the "federal and provincial governments" link down the page. It will download a zip file that includes a whole toolkit about how governments work, how decisions are made, and how people can be involved via elections and other public mechanisms to participate in democratic practice.

You can download Samara's Vote PopUp kit here to help community residents familiarize themselves with the voting process. Be sure to check out other resources like their Democracy Talks facilitation guide.

The Toronto Civic Literacy Collective

The Toronto Civic Literacy Collaborative is engaging voters in Toronto in educational activities to raise awareness and promote wider participation in elections and other civic activities over the next two years. It is mobilizing an extensive network of over 200 community-based agencies in Toronto, leveraging their existing relationships with hundreds of thousands of Toronto's aboriginal community members, racialized community members, immigrant community members, youth who are first-time voters and people living with low-incomes, to deliver community-tailored civic literacy training and resources designed to increase levels of civic engagement, knowledge of government roles, and voter enumeration and participation rates among these target communities. COMING SOON TO OUR MATERIALS PAGE: TCLC workshop modules and fact sheets.

TCLC is a collaborative project of:


This civic literacy project is funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation from 2014-2015. Visit our partners.

ACSD - African Canadian Social Development Council 

CCNC - Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter

HDC - Hispanic Development Council 

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